Sustainable energy systems for CEE countries – modelling and cooperation

2016, november 3 - 09:00
K11 Art and Cultural Centre, Budapest


Workshop organised by ZMA and Energiaklub



9:30Greetings and professional introduction

Heinz-Peter Behr, Ambassador of Germany to Hungary
Orsolya Fülöp, Energiaklub, policy director
Benedek Jávor, European Parliament, member of Greens/EFA

9:45I.  The role of alternative energy planning and modelling in sustainable energy transition methods and good practices

In the first section of the conference we provide European examples to learn from. At first, the Hungarian This way ahead! research group and the authors of the Alternative and Sustainable Energy Scenarios for Hungary will present their alternative energy models. Afterwards, Danish methodology of energy modelling and the main results of the German Energiewende will be presented.

Béla Munkácsy, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Orsolya Fülöp, Energiaklub, Hungary


Poul Alberg Østergaard, Aalborg University, Denmark
Christian Redl, Agora Energiewende, Germany



13:00II. Alternative energy strategies in CEE countries

In the afternoon program, experts from Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo will present their alternative energy models and their experiences with the uptake of their findings in national and international strategies and policies.

Neven Duic, International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), University of Zagreb, Croatia

Garret Tankosić-Kelly, South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy (SEESEP), Serbia

Nevena Smilevska, Eko-svest, Macedonia
Learta Hollaj, Institute for Development Policy (INDEP), Kosovo



14:30III. Synchronise efforts for the European success – reflections from regional experts and preparation of a common macro-regional modelling initiative

This session will provide rooms for reflections, especially regarding the opportunities for cooperation in energy modelling and strategy planning with a focus on the CEE region.

moderator: Benedek Jávor
József Feiler, Climate Foundation, Hungary
András Krolopp,The Nature Conservancy Europe, Germany
László Szabó, Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK), Hungary

15:30Summary and final words

Benedek Jávor
Orsolya Fülöp



VENUE: K11 Art and Cultural Centre, Budapest (Budapest, Király str. 11. - map)

Working language of the workshop is English, we do not provide interpreters.